That's So Gay & 10X10 Photography Project Exhibition Reviews
For the past several years, the
Gladstone Hotel plays host to two LGBTQ centered art exhibits that run throughout the summer months and the Toronto Pride celebrations.
Unsettling: Queer Propaganda by Pablo Munoz |
That's So Gay: Fall To Pieces and the
10X10 Photography Project are the two exhibitions and I visited both a few weeks ago.
That's So Gay: Fall To Pieces displays projects by LGBTTI2QQ artists about
" their experiences of disability, radicalization, class, and other intersectional experiences of identity." The idea of the show is to break down the barriers of the queer community and to explore the concept of just being different artists from a variety of backgrounds discussing several issues and topics. This year's theme,
Fall To Pieces, refers to the once hard drawn lines between the LGBTTI2QQ communities and how they are beginning to fall away and even disappearing. The first time I saw
That's So Gay was last year and like then, I thoroughly enjoyed this exhibit.
That's So Gay: Fall To Pieces runs until August 9, 2015.
deb singh: Mother Queer and Child by Sly Sarkisova |
The Men's Room (All Genders Welcome) by Spencer J. Harrison |
Unsettling: Queer Propaganda by Pablo Munoz |
La Grande Intendante ( The Great Maiden) by 2Fik |
Now in its fifth year, the
10X10 Photography Project has become an important part of the art community. Every year ten queer photographers feature 100 LGBTQ Canadians who have made a contribution to the arts. The photographs are also made available in the book
10X10: Volume 5 and proceeds from the book sales are put back into the project. It's always interesting to see the variety of talent that Canada has and the different way photographers capture their subjects.
10X10 Photography Project is running until August 9, 2015. Unlike
last year,
That's So Gay: Fall To Pieces and
10X10 Photography Project are displayed together on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th floors.
Shia Wisdom (musician) taken by Zahra Siddiqui |
Letcia Love (dj) taken by Zahra Siddiqui |
Portraits by George O.Dewitte |
Craig Paiva (culinary artist) taken by Samantha Blanchette |
P.s!: Both of these exhibits are free and open to the public! And while there, don't forget to visit some of Gladstone Hotel's permanent art installations!
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